Manuel Almagro

I am an Assistant Professor in the department of philosophy at the University of Valencia.

I work on political epistemology, political philosophy of language, and experimental philosophy. Part of my current research focuses on (i) the phenomenon of affective polarization, (ii) the descriptive and evaluative distinction, and (iii) linguistic strategies to covertly divide societies. I have just published the book «The Rise of Polarization: Affects, Politics, and Philosophy» with Routledge. I am PI of the project «Epistemic and Speech Injustices (ESPEECHI)» funded by the GVA, and Co-PI of the project «The nature of deniability and its philosophical implications (NANESI)» funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Prior to joining the University of Valencia, I have spent eleven months as a Visiting Scholar at the Humanities Institute of the University of Connecticut, sponsored by Michael Lynch. Before that, I have also been a postdoc at the University of Granada, sponsored by Neftalí Villanueva, and at the University of Valencia, sponsored by Marc Artiga.

I received my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Granada under the supervision of Neftalí Villanueva and Manuel de Pinedo. Committee Members: Cristina Corredor (UNED), María José Frápolli (Granada), Michael Lynch (Connecticut), José Luis Moreno (Granada), and Robert Talisse (Vanderbilt).

Much of my work is deeply collaborative. I am so fortunate to have collaborated with such brilliant and inspiring people as Gloria Andrada, Virginia Ballesteros, Eric Berg, David Bordonaba, Rodrigo Díaz, Víctor Fernández, Sergio Guerra, Ivar Hannikainen, Amalia Haro, Manuel Heras, Carme Isern-Mas, Victoria Lavorerio, Michael Lynch, Neri Marsili, Llanos Navarro, Miguel Núñez de Prado, Javier Osorio, Manuel de Pinedo, Andrea Rodríguez, José R. Torices, Jason Tosta, and Carmela Vieites. My most active collaborator, battle partner and friend, whom I take as the standard for quality work, is Neftalí Villanueva.​